Monday, July 7, 2008

Cleaning house

Helping......mama vacuum.

Wind blew fort apart.

No more pictures of the fort until it is rebuilt. Big wind came up and blew it apart. It is salvageable, though.


Enjoying his swing.
Hard to tell but he has a pleased look on his face.
How many men does it take to strap a 2 yr old into his new swing? It only took 2 but the aunt had to tell them how/where to put the straps!
Could not get a good picture that wasn't blurry.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The boys built a fort this morning out of a large cardboard box. More pictures of it tomorrow. Don't know who had more fun....the big boy or the little boy. They sure did use the duct tape though. After building, they decorated. Xan even drew on the inside.
Jordan and Xan coloring on their fort.