Saturday, March 21, 2009

Red tulips planted by Xan and Aunt Diane!

These are some of the 100 tulip bulbs Xan and I planted the day Velia was born. That little bud will be a beautiful red tulip in 4 or 5 days. Xan-we will have to walk carefully around the yard and count the red tulips that have bloomed. We need to walk carefully so we do not step on any of the growing tulips. Did you know that one year Nonnie helped me plant bulbs? She sure did. I don't remember if they were tulip bubls or daffodil bulbs. Maybe Nonnie remembers. Ask her.

This just shows a larger bud. The previous little bud is in the tulip on the right. Xan-we will have to count again on Wednesday to see if any more tulips bloomed overnight!
This picture shows several more tulips is various stages. Xan- I hope some of these bloom and open before you get here. We will need to pick the snails up from around the tulips. There are not too many snails but we have to be ready to pick up any we see. The best time to find them is early in the morning. We will go out and look before I go to work for the day. What could we carry with us to put the snails in? Hmm, a bag? a bucket? a box?

What shall we do with them? Think about that. I do not want them in the yard anywhere. Talk with Mommy and Daddy to try to figure something out. I have a few ideas that involve stomping, smashing, and/or throwing!
This is one of two that have the largest flower. Neither one is open yet. Some tulip bulbs I have planted in the past were a bright red. I hope that when these do open the red will be brighter.